Hourly Comic Day

After a tutorial with Thom Cuschieri I felt encouraged to look into some directions he had pointed out to me in terms of comics and “daily”.

Called ‘hourly comic day’ this art project was started by John Campbell and takes place every year. The concept is simple: Comic artists and illustrators who want to participate draw a short comic, even just a panel, for every hour they are awake and load the results onto their blog or any social media platform they see fit.

It is a great way to discover new artists and take a look at what they are up to. Without a doubt this is also a great drawing and writing exercise as well as a creative challenge.

For me it was fascinating to see the different angles artists choose to depict moments from their everyday life.

Some interesting examples:


Joe Decie



Sarah McIntyre


Dustin Harbin


Interview with Comic artist and letterer Dustin Harbin: SAVA, O. (2015) ‘Diary Comics’:


Dustin Harbin on the art of autobiographical comics and lettering [Online] Available from: http://herocomplex.latimes.com/comics/diary-comics-dustin-harbin-on-the-art-of-autobiographical-comics-and-lettering/#/0 [Accessed: 24 November 2017]

Decie, J. (2017) What I drew [Online] Available at: http://www.joedecie.com [Accessed: 24 November 2017]

Hickey, A. (2017) Andrea Hickey [Online] Available at: http://www.andreaghickey.com [Accessed: 24 November 2017]

McIntyre, S. (2017) Hourly Comics [Online] Available at: https://www.jabberworks.co.uk/hourly-comic/ [Accessed: 24 November 2017]


Comics Alliance (2017) 17 webcomics diaries that let you peek other people’s life. [Online] Available from: http://comicsalliance.com/autobio-diary-comics-webcomics/ [Accessed: 24 November 2017]

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